The Circle Online
The Circle Online gathers on the 4th Sunday of the month from 7:00 - 8:00PM
What to Expect at The Circle Online
Who is invited?
The Circle Online holds community in digital space and welcomes all near and far to come exactly as they are for a time of rest, respite and reflection engaging with the practice of The Circle Way. The Circle Online is free and welcomes all who are seeking connection and community.
How is The Circle Online connected to The Circle Hbg?
The Circle Hbg and The Circle Online are coordinated by the same leadership team, therefore, themes, music, and practices will overlap. Reece Nolt will serve as the primary host for The Circle Online, while Kelly Wiant serves as the primary host for The Circle Hbg. The Circle Gatherings, both in-person and online are grounded in the practice of the Circle Way, which is based in ancient and indigenous ways of being and gathering in a circle to build and tend to community.
Is The Circle Online intergenerational?
While all ages are welcome, we do not have dedicated children’s programming for the circle online at this point.
How do I participate & what should I expect?
Prior to The Circle Online participants will need to register for the zoom link. You can do this HERE. This is to ensure a level of privacy and safety for our community.
Similar to the in person gatherings of The Circle Hbg, The Circle online begins each gathering with a ritual of arrival. Participants are invited to bring an item that represents themselves to be shared and witnessed among the group. These items might represent how one is feeling, how one see’s themselves, or one’s current experiences.
The opening ritual not only gathers the community but celebrates those gathered in the fullness of who they are and as they know themselves to be in the moment, recognizing that our identities and understanding of ourselves shift over time and in relation to our experiences.
Participants are invited to pick an item to share with the group prior to joining the zoom call. If you forget, no worries!!!
On the evenings we gather, the zoom room will open at 6:45. You are invited to join at any point and settle into your space. Music will be playing as you enter the zoom room quietly. Feel free to have something warm to drink with you and make yourself comfortable.
The Circle Online will begin at 7pm and last around 60 minutes.
Each month The Circle Online will have unique themes but will always follow the practice of The Circle Way. You can find out more about The Circle Way HERE.
While each gathering will be different, the general flow of each gathering will remain the same.
Each month a digital version of the Month’s bulletin will be available in the zoom chat for participants to follow along.
The Circle Online Host - Reece
Formerly a pastor, Reece (they/them) left the church to tend to a beautiful piece of land in western New York where they are growing a flower farm called Bread and Daliahs. Flowers are offered to anyone who wants beauty in their life. Flowers are “purchased” on a donation basis which seeks to upend capitalism in its insistence that only those with resources may have access to beauty and abundance. Reece believes abundance is available to all, especially as we create communities of love and mutual support. Reece has served on The Circle Hbg visioning team since it began meeting in 2023.