The Circle Leadership

Kelly Wiant (she/her)

Kelly has called Harrisburg home for 24 years. She served as an associate pastor at Market Square Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) in downtown Harrisburg for over 20 years where she worked with young people and helped to create an alternative worshipping community that thrived for 12 years. She is now thrilled to be serving with The Circle Hbg. Kelly loves forming community and honoring the voices of those so often pushed to the margins. As a queer woman, Kelly knows the pain the church has caused many in the queer community and rejects the notion that we must choose between our spirits and our identities, for we are already whole. Kelly envisions a community in which we celebrate our diverse and beautiful identities. Kelly is grounded in the Jesus Way but draws from a variety of sources including the wisdom of the Sufi mystics, Earth religions, and the Celtic Contemplative tradition. Kelly is deeply committed to learning from and honoring the wisdom of other traditions.

Kelly shares a home with her wife, Kristen, their 8 year-old-child, four cats, and a dog. She loves tending to her pollinator garden, taking walks, a good cup of tea, gathering people, and creative endeavors.

Bre (they/them) & Jenn (she/her)

Reece (they/them)

Visioning Team

The Circle Hbg was envisioned and created by a team of five fabulous queer individuals. Each brings gifts and unique perspective. The Visioning Team began meeting in October 2023 with the express purpose of creating a space and community that would not only be safe and welcoming to others but would be the kind of community for which they themselves yearned. The Visioning Team created rituals, adapted The Circle Way for this community, found resources and prepared the space for Children’s Circle, and considered the queer communities needs in each step of the process. The Visioning Team is composed of Jenn (she/her), Kirsten (she/they), Bre (they/them), Reece (they/them), and Kelly (she/her).

Eventually, the Visioning Team will be replaced by a Planning Team that will be responsible for planning and implementing gatherings, projects, and social justice work.

Kirsten (she/they)